HOCKEYFANTASYTOOLS.COM | Just a set of tools to help you win your Hockey Fantasy Pool


Hopefully the below statements answers your questions! If you feel like you are missing details on any points, please reach out through the Contact From!

The data is updated daily.

The data is mostly coming from the NHL free API.

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Those values are basically taking the amount of game played already, the current statistics like goals, assists etc and projecting them to the maximum games played this season. I take for granted that the season will be of 82 Games Played, and from there, I deduct the IR days or NA days. (COVID fits in those too)

I felt like the Yahoo fantasy pool app provided a limited view with the previous year average and wasn’t providing visibility to certain players. In the 2021-2022 season, Timo Meier is the perfect example of the player that was overlooked in our Fantasy pool due to a narrow view of his past seasons. A 3 years average visibility would have allowed anyone new to Fantasy Hockey to understand the quality behind the player.

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